Hi, Mr. Alex, we meet again and we will meet later.

Since i was high school' student, i have already learned about Adobe Flash. 
I was thinking about i will never use it in my entire life. And.... i was wrong... It really happened. 

But something was changing... I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash! I found the fuuuuunnnnnn in Adobe Flash!

I started doing the "beta1.0" two weeks before, and i was thinking about do another one and it is about simplicity and clearity. I focused on the tween and the masking. It really hard, because i thought that is what important in Adobe Flash. 

Finally, i redo another one on Tuesday. Since i got B- in my practical-exam, i have to use all my power to make Mr. Alex happy. Unless, i will see you again in next sem. Although i still don't know what is the reason why i got B- and i cried a river. 

Mr. Alex, Please be happy!!!!!
One of my favourite part in my flash about the old-west-style. Clearity, simp
Some of the student really hate the post-production. But i really love it, even than video shooting. I have spent two whole weeks to do the post-production without sleep well. Why two weeks? The first week, i learn how to use the software to edit the video. Another 3-day, i learned how to control myself don't smash my laptop since Final Cut Pro keep crashing. 

However, i really learned "something" from the post-production. Everyday, i will reedit our video after i saw others' video from school. That is such a nice and wonderful experience. Because we learned from each other, we are not only competing, but also completing each other. 
Once again, thanks for the chance to learn something really amazin 
I am not taking Visual Comm, and why i am going to talk about this poster??
It is all because my face have be put on the poster, even two faces. 
We took a lot of effort to make a impressive poster by not  an impressive model, that really hard to us, but we never ever give up! We have make 4 all new poster to satisfy Ms. Ivy, the audience, and our perfectionism. Thanks again, for the chance to learn something really 
This is my first experience about VIDEO SHOOTING. However, i have already quite familiar about that. Since i was a high-school-student, i have already passionate about that. I watched numerous of movies and tried to learn the shooting-angel, skill, and acting from that, it's all because i love it. There is always a lot of amazing imaginations of scenes in my mind since i was a child. 

I was extremely excited about the the PSA video competition because it was a chance to let me "play" it. I mean it was a offer we cannot refuse (quota from "Godfather"). I was not the director because i have some personal problem during that week and i missed the discussion. I was the main character in the video. I am going to tell a secret. I was so nervous and worry about that. I woke up at 6 a.m to let myself go into the world of the character. I imagined all the scenes every single minutes. Therefore, i was on the track and FIREEEE when the video shooting started. 

I have sacrificed toooooo muchhhh in this video and Mr. Alex still not impressed????!!!!
I got the first smoke in my lifeeeee!!!
I will never ever have Blueberry Yogurt again! 
I had not remove my addicted-makeup and went to Burger-lab to scare people!!

But i still love video shooting, my group member, and Mr. Alex. 
My mum will kill me once she saw this!!!!