Children - a new soul and have a pure mind. 
However, a parents who abuse alcohol or substance can destroy it. Unstable slumber and tense home life make a childhood become nightmare. It make children feel scary, hopeless and lead to many problem in the future. Children be exposed to financial problem, abuse, neglect, and violent can lead them set foot on the same way in the future. This vicious cure can damage a lot of family. In the current, effect of substance abuse for children can be emerge in school and their "little" sociality. After suffered "nightmare" all night long,  they will have a terrible mode to learn in school and this is a big loss to a children. On the other hand, their "little" sociality is very important for their childhood. They play together with 
friends in their "paradise", they do something dumb…. it can make them to become a positive and cheerful person in the future. However, substance abuse can make them antisocial and self-abased. Remember, as an adult, do not ruin a beautiful childhood by your irresponsible. 

Malaysia is highest accident rate in the world. 

Every morning, when we read the newspaper, horrible accident are the most common cover of the newspaper. Malaysia is the highest accident rate in the world. That a various of factors that cause the accident, such as traffic system and drivers' attitude. Traffic signs in Malaysia are terrible and it is not always working. This phenomenon always force drivers make the decision urgently. It is very dangerous and drivers cannot notice the other cars which come from behind. 

Foreign workers excessive 

Foreign workers - we cannot live without them and we cannot live with them as well. 

Foreign workers have brought productivity but harms as well. As a developing country, we need high productivity and low cost. Well, foreign workers have fixed the problem. They have replaced numerous menial jobs which current local people are unwilling to do and get the lower paid than the demand of the local people. This is the reason of why we cannot live without them. 

However, crimes are the biggest blow to our country. It have obstructed our tourism. Every weekend or school holidays, they are all around the bus stops, banks, other public places. This phenomenon makes traffic jam, vacation not smooth, and unpleasant mood. During this suffering, we will truly found that we can't live with them. 

Inefficient civil servants

You may have this experience which when you go to department of public service to do something urgent, the laze of civil servants always drive you crazy. Since the 1990's, the civil service has been expanding rapidly with accelerated growth since 2007. We have 773,997 government employees in 1990's and 1.3 million government employees in 2011. On the other hand, in 2005, RM25.6Billion was spent on salaries but by 2008, this figure increased to RM41.0Billion. 

Have the productivity increased since the staffs and salaries increased? The answer must be obviously one-sided. Bypass the professional skill first, their inferior attitude is the biggest problem. They are not active and motivated, they show that they are just lazing. Inefficient administration is a big blow to our country development and productivity.

 I strongly claim that government should reduce the spending and number of staffs. The keys is concentrating train them to become professional and developing a complete and effective system. Then Malaysian can keep shipping. 

Racial issues 

Malaysia is a multi-races country, they are Chinese, Malays, and Indians. Differences always make conflicts and contradictions. Due to the previous manipulation of the politics , conflicts and misunderstanding have existed between each races in Malaysia. 

Besides, the economic level and government treatment have a obvious gap between each races. It exacerbates the difficulty of the unity between each races. Racial issues is the biggest obstacle of the development of Malaysia, we have to fix it and make a harmony and beautiful country. 

Traffic jam

As a Malaysian driver, you must have met terrible traffic jam before. Traffic jam is a nightmare for Malaysian. Traffic jam bring a lot of loss to our country, it ruins a happy trip, it breaks a good mood, and it even causes accidents. 

Traffic jam always associated to developed and blooming, but it is totally contrary in Malaysia. Transport system of Malaysia have to be more efficient and complete to fix the problem.